Thursday, November 17, 2011

Queen of my Castle

I find commitment hard to do - it's true. After years of moving about it is in my genes, I am sure of it.

But only recently have I managed to find and make my flat just to my liking and I just had to share.
I have lived in some pokey furnished flats in London and New York and have had my fair share of nightmare landlords to deal with (I am sure we all have a tale or two to share about those).

One of the reasons I wanted to move to Holland was space - I wanted a flat that 1) could fit my wardrobe comfortably so I can colour coordinate the contents (sad I know) 2) was large enough to let me place my families heirloom furniture in it and 3) light & bright to never ever be pokey again.

When I saw my flat for the first time it was love - just like that. Even though it is in Holland the huge industrial-like windows reminded me straight-away of New York and with a view (from the 12th floor) of the city there are always pretty lights to stare at. Although today it is super foggy which makes you feel as though you are floating in mid-air without any idea of your surroundings and that too is pretty spectular.

The reason I wanted to share this pics of my flat with you is because I am a firm accessories believer in fashion and in my home. Ok some of the furniture is inherited (which means 3B's : big, bulky and brown) but the majority of items are from that well known Swedish furniture haven Ikea and I love it. So style doesnt have to be expensive just clever. Plus the eye can be decived. What's looks silver doesn't have to be real silver or even silver-plated for that matter to give the same effect. I love how mentals reflect light from candles or sunshine. Plus with darker elements in my house I wanted to make sure there was a enough light and airy elements to balance it all out.

I personally believe that we in Holland have some amazing home decorating stores. The likes of Lifestyle and Riviera Maison but even borrowing from our neighbours I think Flamant is fantastic and adore getting inspiration from Eric Kuster, Piet Boon and Jan de Bouvrie. I am after all LUSTING after a velvet sofa from Eric Kuster (if you dont know what to get me for Christmas - that was a subtle hint, no?).

But I also love Rofra Home for deco items, Graham & Green in the UK (divine) and the creative cleverness of West Elm and Crate & Barrel in the US is never to fail (shame we cant even access the website from abroad but I have ranted before about how some US shops are still US only - sad face).

These pictures were taken on a particularly glourious day, so anyone who thinks it only rains in Holland is mistaken and I think this is when my living room is at its best.

I have moved around alot but this home definitely makes me feel like staying just a little longer.

Hope the pictures give you a little inspiration and I added the websites of the others I mentioned for good measure.


Blogger EverythingPrettyGirls said...

I love this post so much. I have moved FOUR times in the past year.. I too, am afraid of commitment. I just moved to NYC, but you are tempting me with Holland. Gorgeous home you have.


November 17, 2011 at 7:55 PM  

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